Monday, September 30, 2019


Instead of class we were in home room. We played on our phones and talked.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Oral presentation part 2

Hey blog, so today we were in groups again, our teacher added three rules to the classroom rules. They were mainly about what must be on our papers such as header and title. When working in groups today we looked for 5 great quotes from chapter sixteen. I went around and asked the other groups for a brief synopsis of their chapters, hoping it would enlighten mines. That's all we did today. Class was gold and usually loud.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Interactive Oral Presentation

Today, the teacher put us in groups. He gave us a group assignment on the book ”Wild”. We are supposed to do an interactive oral presentation. The teacher told us what essentials he will be looking for. The teacher assigned different chapters to different groups, we must teach the class about our chapter. We must have 15 critical questions, but if the questions are good enough then we won't get through all of them. We need one sentence summary, one word to summarize the whole chapter, quotes, we must research an essential part of the chapter, and explain it. That's all we discussed today before getting in groups, and started splitting up the load.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The negro speaks of rivers

Today, we read The Negro speaks of rivers. Its a poem by  Langston Hughes. I really liked the poem. We took notes on the rivers Hughes listed in the poem, and what they meant. The poem is really good, and intriguing. The teacher asked us many questions about the poem as we deciphered it. We spent the class discussing the poem. We did take a test on chapter 7 of “Wild”. Which we were supposed to read yesterday. He told us to read chapter 8 for tonights homework. Before leaving the teacher asked us to make our on line to add in the poem. Most lines of the poem had I then a verb then a river, and some type of impact, creation, or action. Thats all for today it was fairly easy.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Today, we took a test. The teacher gave us a choice we could either complete chapter 5 questions, or chapter 6 questions pm the book “Wild”. The test was fairly easy, but it had a 30 minute time limit, and that made it hard to complete. I wanted to give full examples, and quotes to support my answer, but I didn't have enough time. After the test we looked at a paper called “A scientific look at the thru-hiker”. It looked at thru-hikers as if they were a new species, and talked about there food, behavior, related species, gear, and etc. Today was a good day i enjoyed class, and the conversation was good.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Thesis statements

Today, we learned about thesis statements. The teacher discussed with us that there are two types of thesis statements. Three point statement, and the Umbrella thesis statement. I’d never actually learned the umbrella version until today. I like it though the whole concept is easy, but it will take time to master this version. I like it more than the three point version, even though I still haven't fully mastered it, and still have a long way to go. My teacher really breaks down the truth of writing, and how it should be done. I like that he questions us with hard questions, and examples because there always great examples. I always try to find some joy in the lesson, and make the class laugh when it seems there tired because we naturally have tough classes. Today was a great day I guess but I'm tired for know blog. See you tomorrow.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Test I didn't take

So today in class they took a test! I didn't actually take the test because of scholars bowl. The competition was great, and very enjoyable. After returning to school I went to class, and they kicked me out. They were reviewing the test, and I wasn't supposed to hear the answers. But today was a great day.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Class discussion

Today, Was an average day we worked and left. But today we didn't get to finish the lesson. We talked about what America symbolized, and what it meant to be an American. We also discussed what a patriot is, and our definition of hero. It was a good lesson today, but we didn't get to the last question, what do we know about 9/11. I wish we would've gotten more into the lesson, although I did like what we did get through, which i already told you.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Reading log

Today, We went over reading logs. Our teacher told us the essentials we will need in our reading journals. Where we will jot down notes, and other important details of the story. After that our showed us a clip from the movie Wild. Based on the novel were reading called “Wild”. 

Friday, September 6, 2019

Probably the best class ever today!!

Today was amazing. In class we talked about the book “Wild”. Im not gonna lie Im really lost on why this woman the main character left and went hitchhiking, but I'll find out as I read and fill you in. But today we discussed what freedom is and, what it means. After defining, and discussing freedom, we mad a chart on ten  necessities you'd need to go hiking. We talked about what we needed and didn't. After that our teacher told us about hiking, and some way the discussion went to what to do if your hiking, and come across a bear. We discussed scenarios, and how to go about the problem. The class became really funny, soon after that because we watched a man ride away from a bear while mountain biking. It was scary, but that's what made it funny because we're teens we're joking, playing and, just bring goofy as we went about it. I really liked todays class.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Claims and Evidence

Today, we relooked over our test from last week. We discussed the prompt from the last test, what does it mean to be an individual?  The teacher showed us our claims, and discussed why they were right, and why they were wrong. Our teacher then gave us another prompt, what does it mean to own something. After calling on students at random, we were to make a list of things we own. Then we wrote an essay on our position of ownership, and how it affected morals and beliefs if it did.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

How to tackle multiple choice

Today, we working on how to take a multiple-choice test. We read a story called ”Ambush,” about a soldier retailing us about someone he killed at war. After reading we got in groups of  four, and we did an activity each group was to characterize Tim, the soldier of the story. Each group gave examples and together we discussed and eliminated which answer was wrong, and the reason why. We also discussed why our final answer was correct, we did it again but this time we looked for the theme of the story. That's how we spent today's class time I enjoyed the story a lot, but I'm happy because today wasn't so cold. This is how we worked on tackling multiple choice questions.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Thank you for Arguing

                      Today, we looked at a book called ”Thank you for Arguing” by Jay Heinrichs. The book consists of different arguments. It was a fairly nice book, a master class in the art of persuasion. I liked today's discussion of the book and, our overall discussion of the class block. I thought class was great today, and I loved todays book and lesson.

April 21

Hey blogger, I forgot what day of quarantine were on, Im getting used to school online, and my assignments. The assignments are really helpf...