Friday, September 6, 2019

Probably the best class ever today!!

Today was amazing. In class we talked about the book “Wild”. Im not gonna lie Im really lost on why this woman the main character left and went hitchhiking, but I'll find out as I read and fill you in. But today we discussed what freedom is and, what it means. After defining, and discussing freedom, we mad a chart on ten  necessities you'd need to go hiking. We talked about what we needed and didn't. After that our teacher told us about hiking, and some way the discussion went to what to do if your hiking, and come across a bear. We discussed scenarios, and how to go about the problem. The class became really funny, soon after that because we watched a man ride away from a bear while mountain biking. It was scary, but that's what made it funny because we're teens we're joking, playing and, just bring goofy as we went about it. I really liked todays class.

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