Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Myth of Latin Women

                     Today, day in class we read and discussed The Myth of Latin Women. To start we discussed the definition of myth and then we discussed the word Latinas and what we thought when we hear the word, Latina. Honestly, there's a lot of discussions which naturally there is. The story spoke about the stereotypes Latinas encountered and how their culture was viewed. I honestly liked the story because it allowed me to see the problems of Latinas but also it was just interesting to read about the problems the author fast from leaving her home to coming to America. She spoke about how even at a young there was a difference from the clothes that they wore to parties, and just in their everyday lives. The author takes it from her childhood to even as she was grown, she even listed a problem her friend faced dealing with her professor. The story  was nice and all-around great to read and it was nice to discuss the stereotypes Latinas faced and how it impacted the author and the rage she often felt at times. Yet it's also disheartening when the author spoke about a father and his daughter singing a song called Maria, that part made me mad but other then that class was good and cold as usual.

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April 21

Hey blogger, I forgot what day of quarantine were on, Im getting used to school online, and my assignments. The assignments are really helpf...